PR Request OG-2020-0608-1 – Agenda for 06/11/2020 City Commission Special Meeting
Ms. Gainey,
We appreciate that Ms. Lynch sent something, these are not the requested records. I am sure you understand our persistence in as we protect the public’s right to records and seek the Agenda for the Special Meeting scheduled for June 11, 2020 and We, as of this time, have not received the Agenda for said meeting. Our request is for the record (Agenda) as it now exists. The agenda and any previous drafts are public records. Please send the agenda and all versions thereof created since last Tuesday, June 2, 2020, including whatever version now exists whether the final version to be published.
We expect you will fulfill this request and send the requested records immediately and not to stall until 5 p.m.
Gainesville Citizens Care
RE: Public Records Request OG-2020-0608-1
Good afternoon,
Please see enclosed General Government Budget agenda language/text file and backup attachments submitted for the June 11th meeting.
Zanorfa “Zanni” Lynch | City Manager Office Coordinator
Office of the City Manager | City of Gainesville
Desk: 352-393-8675
Note: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Ms. Gainey:
You answer is non-responsive. Are you denying our public record request? We did not ask when it will be published we asked for a record. As far as we know there is no public records exemption for, “In accordance with the city commission’s adopted supplemental rules, the agenda will be published no less than 3 days in advance of the meeting. As such, the agenda will be released by 5pm todayit will be published at 5pm today.
Please send the requested record now.
Gainesville Citizens Care
Re: Public Records Request OG-2020-0608-1c
Good Afternoon,
In accordance with the city commission’s adopted supplemental rules, the agenda will be published no less than 3 days in advance of the meeting. As such, the agenda will be released by 5pm today.
PR Request OG-2020-0608-1
Public Records<>
6/8/2020 8:48 AM
To Omichele D
Ms. Gainey;
This public records request is for the Agenda for the June 11,2020, City Commission Special Meeting. There is no agenda available to the public as of this writing. Please provide the agenda by noon today.
Thank you in advance for what we expect to be the prompt delivery via email of the requested record .
Gainesville Citizens Care, Inc.