Yes, in fact Chapter 218, Section 32 is very instructive in giving citizens a snapshot of the deep financial trouble Gainesville finds itself. In just one year you have grown the staggering total debt to $ 1,894,730,512. This means you added $ 87,507,972 to our childrens future DEBT burden in only 12 months(see attached 2018 and 2019 AFR).
$87.5 million dollars.
Once again Mr. Poe– under what authority does Lauren Poe transmit this Annual Financial Report to the Department of Financial Services?
We are in receipt of the City response to above referenced public records requested from the City of Gainesville. The response makes it clear that Lauren B Poe has no authorization to file the City of Gainesville Annual Financial Report to the Florida Department of Financial Services such as you have done on 6/30/20.
Should you feel the record is not correct please cite the authority that you feel empowers such actions. If we do not hear back from you within 24 hours we will consider the FL DFS filing unauthorized.